This morning while riding a bike along side my running daughter, we had a great discussion about talking to others about God. I think that I gain the most wisdom as I am talking with my children. It is so amazing how God uses my mouth to speak His wisdom to their ears. My husband and I can not take credit for the great kids that we have. The only contribution we have had is, being willing. Being willing to be, do, or say anything He asks us to.
where she had posted “one of my best friends” I agree.
Simply being willing goes back to the Simple faith that we discussed this morning. She talked about having a hard time talking to unbelievers about her faith and what it means to her. I told her that two things prevent us from doing that 1) Fear and 2) Our thought that we don’t know what to say. She is a Sophomore at a Christian College, getting a ministry degree and minoring in Bible. Obviously, it is not only head knowledge that is needed, to know what to say to an unbeliever about your faith. If you have a willing heart and ask God to use you, then it doesn’t matter what head knowledge you have.
God created our way to Salvation to be simple, so that everyone could find Him. He does not want that anyone should perish. So in sharing with others, including our own children, we just need to have a willing heart, God will do the rest. We can just sit back and be amazed by our great God.
Just a great message:) Thank you for sharing this at Freedom Fridays.