So as I begin this adventure (blogging) I begin to ask myself what can I share and what will bring value to you the reader. I plan on sharing my successes, my failures, my thoughts and my ideas. So here goes nothing!! J
For my first blog I would like to just begin sharing a little bit more about me. This will hopefully help you to understand, or maybe even relate to me as I share every Monday my trials and successes of trying to balance it all.
I am a child of god, a wife to an amazing man for the past 12 years and a mother to four beautiful children ages 12 - 6. I am also a college student and a working professional attempting to build a successful career. I have been a stay at home mom off and on for a total of almost seven years. I loved being a stay at home mom and would not have changed it for the world. Now my kids are all in school and I have been given the desire to achieve a career. I work in the field of Human Resources and look forward to learning something every day.
Some things I like include gardening (both flowers and vegetable) and canning and working outside on the lawn. I also enjoy making people smile and help them feel valued. I am devoted to my family and love being a mom. I also like working and love the career path that I have chosen. I go to work every morning with a smile! Imagine that!!!
I have learned to coupon this past year and have become as frugal as I can. I do things like meal plan, make my own house cleaners, make my own laundry soap and will try anything new that will help me achieve a successfully managed home. Now with that said, that does not mean I have figured it out, I haven’t even scratched the surface! It is a trial and error process and plan on sharing some of that on this blog.
I would love to figure out how to keep a clean home with four kids…. And maybe how to keep up with laundry…. Those are two things I have never mastered even with being a stay at home mom or working. I can be a little A.D.D with my thoughts and sometimes overanalyze life too much.
Like our blog title, I can’t do anything that I have on my plate without having God in my life. A couple years ago, I learned the lesson of the braid and how it needs to have three strands to be strong… so I use this in all areas of my life. In my marriage, my children, relationship with friends, school and work….. I know I can’t do it alone and it is a relief to know that I don’t have to. If that is one thing you take away from this blog… it is just that… two strands are good… but three strands… WOW!
Have a GREAT week!